Meet Our Supporters

  • We are thrilled to announce that we have received a significant contribution from the Fischer Family in support of the summer 2023 showcase and beyond. The gift has been made in honor of Gay Fischer, who cherished her years at Oberlin College in the 50s, deeply loved theater, and was a member of the Kendal at Oberlin community. Deep thanks to Michael Fisher and Susann Wilkerson, and we look forward to their continuing participation.

  • We are thankful to have received a grant to support playwright, Ifa Bayeza’s three-month creative residency in spring 2023. She will have time to write, research, and share excerpts from her play-in-progress in community centers. Her residency will culminate during the week of 2023 Juneteenth celebrations, with a Showcase of The Rescue of John Price, staged to receive feedback from stakeholders and create new community connections.